Healing Benefits of Grounding Touch Massage

Studies have shown that our body can be helped and protected with grounding touch massage that will make us feel better. Our body has a great self-healing capacity, but recovery from illness and injury takes time. Therapists of grounding touch massage believe energy healing methods help this natural process happen more rapidly and easily.

Grounding Touch Massage

People may use touch therapy to:

• Help relieve stress and anxiety

• Help wounds heal faster

• Improve immune system function

• Reduce pain

• Help reduce fatigue, nausea, and other side effects of chemotherapy

• Improve symptoms of chronic conditions like lupus and fibromyalgia

• Reduce fatigue and get better sleep

Many claims that grounding touch massage helps them relax and feel calmer.

Touch therapy shows promising results in helping people with a fatal illness feel more at peace with the forthcoming end of life.

A session of touch massage involves several phases, including:

Centering: The therapist uses their breath along with the combination of visualizations, imagery, and meditation to find stillness and balance.

Assessing: Holding hands a few inches above the person's body, the therapist symmetrically and rhythmically sweeps them from head to toe.

Intervention: This stage, also referred to as "unruffling" or "clearing," involves symmetrical hand gestures that allegedly encourage the flow of energy.

Balancing or rebalancing: The therapist moves their hands to the areas of the receiver's body that they know require rebalancing.

Evaluation or closure: By repeatedly measuring the energy through the session, they intuitively start when the receiver's energy flow is stable and, therefore, when it is time to finish the treatment.

Grounding touch massage and stress hormones

Stress is not completely in our heads. Have you ever felt stressed without physical signs like tense muscles, aches, and pains? Stress usually begins with how we react to our surroundings or what is happening in our lives, but as our body releases stress hormones, it starts to show up and gather in our physical health.

Our body responds well to physical touch by decreasing stress hormones, with cortisol at the highest of that list. Cortisol is our body's prime stress hormone. It regulates our blood pressure and blood glucose and reduces inflammation giving us a good night's sleep and increasing energy.


Grounding touch massage is a type of alternative and balancing energy therapy. Supporters claim that it provides a healthy flow of energy in our bodies.

Though there's no significant, conclusive research to support its use, even if it is not beneficial, it doesn't pose any significant risks.


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