Self-Care Acupressure Points to Rebalance Your Mind and Body

Acupressure is a modified form of acupuncture that substitutes needle insertion with pressure. The formula is originated in ancient China. The principle works from activation of activation through grounding meridians points or non-invasive tools that exert pressure on the point. 

In a fast-paced lifestyle, it is necessary to have a balanced mind for the best health and well-being. Unfortunately, the busy schedules and long-to-do lists often find ourselves feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated, or just a little off. Using acupressure points on ourselves can be the right way to take a moment to calm and care for our mind and body. 

Experience the charge of relaxation 

According to researchers, in our body, we have energy channels that convey message in our body is performing right or not. This is also called the meridians. there are many acupressure points that function good in the body. Anytime you experience unwanted symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, and anxiety, these can be symptoms of imbalance in the body. When you apply pressure, we can help in reducing anxiety and rebalance the structure of the body. 

grounding meridians points

Here are the three impressive acupressure points that are easy to implement in the self-care routine: 

Stress Relieving point 

Stress relieving point is a popular point that helps in relieving stress and eases tension, anxiety, and sleep. It is most probably located between the eyebrows. You have two use one or two fingers, gently massage this point in clockwise motion using light pressure to medium pressure, or stroke this point in an upward sweeping motion.

L14 Acupuncture Point 

LI4 is a powerful point to help the free flow of energy in the body, enhances our immune system, and relieve you from pain such as headaches and muscular aches. It is often considered as a tender point and it is located between your thumb and forefinger, on the highest point itis formed when you squeeze the two fingers altogether. At home you can massage this point with low pressure while taking 5 deep breaths. Pause and always repeat 5 times before moving on to the next point area. 

Sleep well peacefully with acupuncture point 

Try acupressure points whenever you feel the need to relax and care for your mind and soul. They can be used as a perfect sequence starting at one and ending at five (helping the energy to flow down - leaving you to feeling calmer) or individually. Always keep in mind that using these points should never be painful or causes any discomfort. Always listen to your own body, never perform activities that feels wrong to you, and seek professional advice if you're struggling. Remember to be good to yourself and allow plenty of time for self-care to support yourself feeling balanced, calm, and full of energy. 

Thus are the three ways that will provide you with perfect acupressure treatment in the comfort of your home. So, what are you looking for? Introduce yourself to the acupressure treatment and take a deep knowledge of the grounding meridian points following relaxing your mind and body. 


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