3 Acupressure Points for Headache Relief

Experiencing the pain and discomfort of the headache is common. However, if you are looking for more natural ways to treat headaches, acupressure might work for you. Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine that aims to restore balance to the body's energy system. Acupressure for headache works efficiently and relieve headache. You need to stimulate acupressure points on the body that are believed to be extra sensitive. These extra sensitive points can stimulate relief in the body. Here are the various acupressure points on the body to relieve headaches. Tai Chong : this spot is also known as liver 3. It is on the top of the foot. First, locate the point on the webbing between the big and second toes. Then move down, so the hand is level with the knuckles, and stimulate the point for several minutes. Zu Lin Qi: this pressure point is also known as gall bladder 41. You can locate the spot between the pinky toe and the fourth toe. Then go down to the ar...